
title: THE UN
artist: Niels Shoe Meulman
year: 2024
size: ± 46 x 48 cm / ± 25 x 19 inch
medium: four-color screen print on Simili japon paper with deckled edge
edition: 50

"The 'un' and its repetitive strokes have been an important armament in my arsenal of motifs for many years. Unmistakably inspired by the penmanship of medieval monks, this unit of four basic calligraphic strokes originated on my warm-up sheets. They were essential in blurring the divide between writing and painting.

But more importantly, the ‘un’ symbolizes the power of reversal. These vertical brush strokes draw attention to themselves as much as they do to the space between them; negative space. Ink, and the absence of ink creates positive/negative, black/white, on/off, matter/antimatter, male/female, past/future and so on. And, of course, when put in front of any English word, the ‘un’ reverses its meaning, like for instance even/uneven.

The ‘un’ captures dualism both in meaning and form. For every movement there is a counter movement. Not only cultural or social but also cosmic and universal. Something can only exist if its opposite exists. To me, this symbiosis of contrast provides endless inspiration.

The ‘un’ is binary organic code, more so than other glyphs or symbols. Just like all digital data is broken down to ones and zeros, everything in our material world can also be broken down to these basic opposites.

The ‘un’ is a never ending mission of search and experiment. Looking for the perfect stroke is like the saying about the destination and the journey. But more important than the journey are your travel companions. And so, please join me in my quest for the perfect stroke."

